Gold Dome Bank Honored
When plans were announced to demolish this iconic structure, local preservationists launched a spirited, grassroots campaign to save this Buckminster Fuller-inspired geodesic dome. Now, it’s a thriving mixed-use center that anchors the city’s newly designated Asian District.
> full press release
I remember seeing this building as a child from the back seat of our Ford Galaxie 500. That entire area around 23rd and Classen always fascinated me— the Townley's Milk Bottle, The Price Tower-esque office building and the brick storefronts lining Route 66. When the word got out that Walgreens planned to demolish the Gold Dome Bank I was working for as their guide for Tulsa. I immediately began typing a feature about the volunteer effort to save this 1958 aluminum-clad beauty. It's inspiring to see those efforts paid off!