We've been fascinated by the metal homes made by Lustron for many years. In fact, one of the very posts on this site was to document two examples here in Green Country
(see Lustron: the Power of Steel). Now, here's an update to our search for Lustrons in Oklahoma.
Turns out there are three Lustron homes in Oklahoma on the National Register of Historic Places. Two are in Stillwater and one is located in Cushing. All three are grey and appear to be the two-bedroom model.
These are the two Lustrons in Stillwater. They're pretty similar except one has a mysterious aluminum patch near the entry.
The real prefab gem from this trip is this beauty in Cushing. Note the contrasting trim and optional Lustron garage out back. Very nice!

To locate Lustrons near you visit
Lustron Preservation.org and use their handy, dandy Lustron Locator.